In any situation how to decide what is right and what is wrong?
A fisherman earns their livelihood by killing fish, is it right or wrong?
sometimes, small kids become mischievous and totally out of control, and then parents have to sometimes slap them or snap them, is it right or wrong?
Butchering chickens to satisfy your hunger is it right or wrong?
How can we decide what is right and what is wrong and who decides what is right and what is wrong all these things are very relative, and the most confusing situation is when someone gets attracted to somebody else.
Now the question is is it right or wrong?
Getting attracted is very natural and it is hormonal too but what if it turns into a new secretive relationship, extramarital affair acceptable or unacceptable?
let's run this question through five parameters these parameters will give you an insight into whether this type of relationship is justifiable or not.
Harm versus Good count
How many people would be harmed because of your secretive relationship your spouse, your children, your parents, your brother and sisters your whole family, and your friends all would be unhappy only who would be happy maybe you and your that secretive relationship.
and do you think that you will be happy because you are secretive so every time you would be in fear, so you just see what is harmful and what is good?
A beehive collapses when a certain group of bees doesn't do their job commitment is a foundation of harmony and survival. Do you know mere cats they assign one of them a job to see whether any threat or danger is there around
so that the rest of the mere cats enjoy and play with their kids and move fearlessly, hence beautifully illustrating trust.
what about the oath you have taken at the wedding or in a ring ceremony joining together to share all paid and suffering together having full trust in each other totally truthful relationship lifelong loyalty and unending honesty?
righteousness breaks when the commitment breaks some say that they have a free will to live life as they want. can free will would be given free hand over the committed words, it is totally up to you to think whether you would want to be a man of words or a selfish being.
Your Duty
will this secretive relationship will affect your duty definitely it does in many cases the extramarital relationship is like a honeymoon period whether the pleasure of this relationship totally overpowers
person's intellect and then what happens to focus on work and family is gone it badly affects the performance of the individual in all areas of his life and the duty gets hampered.
Law of karma
we are what we sow bad karmas lead to more complexity and pain and suffering in life whereas good karma easiest the struggles of life and makes life happier and more comfortable.
extramarital affair certainly brings loads of future uncertainty unrest develops in the family and the well-settled life becomes very chaotic and scattered.
In this relationship, you enjoy the comforts and pleasure for very little time so it is up to you to decide whether you want to do good karma or bad karma.
In life, we do everything for our own self-satisfaction and happiness in our current relationship when a person finds a lack of love and care respect then he is drawn to some extramarital relationship
and sometimes to fulfill their sexual fantasies this new relationship fulfills these longings for romance as it finds its place back in life he or she is happy but is this happiness long-lived?
give thought to the ball is in your court getting attracted to someone is a biological phenomenon but making the right choice for such an attraction is an ethical phenomenon.
The longing to bind and bond with somebody increases after 21 years of age because unknowingly you're like a satellite that fell off the main mother you come off the motherboard
Now you want to attach to something unless you find some Integrity This is why between 12 and 18 years of age one must do a lot of sadhana to strengthen the body so that you don't desperately bind yourself to something or somebody.
you must consciously if you wish to take it apart, now it must be a conscious process but if it's a compulsive process then you will pay the price for it.
This is not a question of morality, it is not that this is sin that is sin the question is what is your priority in your life if your priority is to make this life rises to a higher possibility then you must be conscious
and if you want to somehow live and go like an ordinary person then it's okay.