How to Stop Expecting from others?
what is the most selfish one-lettered word?
I, isn't it?
Everything revolves around the word "I"
iPhone, iPad, iPod, and the man says I paid.
Everything revolves around the word "I" and what does I stand for I stand for expectations, I should be treated like this, I should be loved like this, I should be dealt with like this
I should be respected like this, I should be given these many marks, I should not be given this. we're all leading a life of super high expectations
everything revolves around my opinions, my desires, my likes, my dislikes, I love this I want this, I don't want this,
you think life will be a very happy life when it revolves around I, from our childhood, we have grown up like this we've only learned to take and everyone has to fulfill my expectations
everything has to be up to my expectations. one boy comes to a mother and says, mama, I love you five-year-old mother said I love you too child.
the guy grew up to be 16 and goes to the mother's mama, I love you,
Mother asks "How much money do you want" tell me
he grows up to be twenty-five. Mama, I love you
Mother says "who is she? where does she live?
The guy grew up to 40, Mama I love you.
Mother said "we had told you not to get married to her"
He turns 60.
Mother, I love you.
Mother said "I won't sign on any papers. you go!
she is a mother, mothers know everything.
it's all about my expectations, how it goes, and marriage? you think only children, girlfriends, and boyfriends what's marriage?
such expectations of treatment of each other's expectations god and you think religion is spared?
if youngsters are not spared?
girlfriends and boyfriends are not spared? married people are not spared? you think religious men and religious people coming to a temple are spared from the I,
I don't think so.
therefore when people come to god people, come to a temple also they're only asking, give me what I want.
No one comes to say, I love you. I want to give you.
when the president of the united states John f Kennedy came up to the stage for his first presidential speech his voice rumbled into the public
address system when he said "ask not what the country can do for you?"
"ask what you can do for the country" and so we are saying ask not what god can do for you, ask what you can do for god but no one asks that because the I is so vague.
my expectations, my desires, and my things are so powerful that even when I come to a temple and ring a bell all I'm doing is asking the more we lead a life of I
our I will always be frustrated because people don't exist in this world to just fulfill your expectations, therefore, ladies and gentlemen
the most selfish one-lettered word is I which stands for expectations and therefore avoid this word.
How do you avoid this word?
Be realistic in your expectations but understand that not everyone will fulfill your expectation and secondly avoid the word I by trying to serve others
Do you know why because when you want to be served you're dependent on people? They may not serve you when you want to serve, who can stop it?
when you want respect? people may not respect you but when you want to give respect who can stop you. when you want to be loved?
you may not be loved but when you want to give love who can stop you.
when you want in charity, people may not give you charity but when you want to give charity who can stop you therefore
learn to begin your journey from "I" to "You" the more you want for yourself, you'll remain frustrated. The more you want to give you'll remain happy.
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