Today we will talk about, The book "Do Epic Shit". Which is the first book of "Ankur Warikoo ". And I am pretty sure, maximum people among you know, Who is Ankur Warikoo?
Ankur Warikoo is an entrepreneur, He is an investor and he is also now a content creator for the last two years on youtube & Instagram. He posts excellent content regarding personal finance, career planning, education, etc.
And this book is basically about the Life long learnings of Ankur warikoo. He has seen so much in his life and he has done so much and what did he learn from all those things?
Top 5 Life-Altering Takeaways From The Book ‘DO EPIC SHIT’
He has covered different aspects of his life about money, entrepreneurship, family, relationships, and his early life.
He has covered many things and he has shared his learnings with us in my opinion, This book is hands down the best book for any beginner.
if you haven't read any book until now Or you are a beginner in reading and you want to develop a reading habit.
Do you find it difficult, How to read this 200-300 pages book? You find it very difficult. I also felt the same, to be honest.
If you are in this situation, I think this is the best book which you can read. This should be your first book.
It is easy to read and easy to understand and it is fun to read. Along with that, Ankoor sir wrote in a manner it is not a book that you need to read page by page,
First, you need to finish the first chapter, then you have to finish the second chapter. No
You can read this book from any random page. Almost on every page a new story, new learning, or a new life story is been told.
Whatever learning is told on that page, Whatever experience is shared This book is written in such a way that Every page has a new thing.
So it is not necessary that you must read in order and finally, I think this book is easy to finish.
Top 5 Learning from "Do Epic Shit"
1. So the first learning that I want to share with you all is
"Don't set targets, set habits."
And this is a very good and practical thing. Because of the maximum number of people among us, including me, we set a target and we start obsessing over targets.
Instead of setting a target, you should start building habits. So basically instead of setting a target, in one year, I want a ribbed body and six-pack abs.
You should develop a habit. That 5 days a week I will go to the gym and work out. Instead of setting a target, I should read 5 books monthly & 1 book weekly.
You should build a habit to read for half an hour before sleeping or any time of the day. Or instead of setting a target,
That I want 1 lakh subscribers in 1 year. You should develop a habit like me. I will post one video per week for my subscribers to share my knowledge.
I think this is very amazing advice. Because I was also too obsessed with targets. But if we think about it, Instead of targets if we start focusing on habits,
and start following those habits, Then those targets will be automatically achieved. In fact, I think in most situations, We will beat our target.
If you follow your habits consistently & with discipline.
2. So moving on the second good thing written in this book was "You should discover yourself in college life."
When the maximum number of people among us go to college, We have just one focus.
I want good marks. I want a good job. I want to set a good career and we go through a very predefined notion, I want to be an engineer only.
Or I have decided I want to be a software engineer But even though I personally think, College is such a place, Which doesn't teach you much about study or academics.
As much as it teaches you about life & yourself because in college students have so many opportunities. You have so much freedom, you have so many options to pursue.
In college, we have so many opportunities that help us to discover ourselves to discover what is our passion?
What are your interests? What do you want to do yourself in life? What the world wants to do is a different thing.
What the world wants you to do is a different thing. But, what do you want to do yourself? College life gives you a good space to discover this.
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3. So moving on to the third learning, It is sort of financial learning. But it is also very interesting. Ankur Warikoo as we know is a big entrepreneur.
He is the founder of "". He is an investor. Then too he told that recently in his life, After founding ""
He had to face many financial problems or crises. When I read this, I felt very strange. He is a millionaire. He is a founder of a big company.
He is an investor & he is doing so much. How can he face any financial problems? What financial crises does he have?
But this is where he explained, His paper wealth was very high. Because he has invested in many startups. He had equity in many unlisted companies.
He had investments in real estate. But he did not have any liquid assets and liquid assets basically mean The ones that you can easily convert into cash.
Let's say I have invested in gold, Or I have invested in any dead fund. Or I have invested in big blue cheap stocks.
If I am in the need of money, Then within a day or in some hours, I can convert these investments or assets into cash.
So these are very liquid assets but on the other hand if I have invested in any startup. May that starter be worth 100 million dollars but they are unlisted
And I can't easily sell these shares. Maybe I have a 10 million dollar share in that. But I can't convert easily those 10 million assets into liquid.
I can't convert it into cash by selling that equity or stake. So this becomes an illiquid asset.
Even if I talk about real estate. you can't sell any real estate in one day & convert it into cash. It is very unlikely. so here real estate is also an illiquid asset.
and Ankur sir shared his learning that you have to diversify your investment. Everyone knows diversification.
But this is also important, that you diversify your investment in such a way that you have many liquid assets.
So if tomorrow you need money urgently, or you have some small financial crisis, then you can easily convert your investments into cash and solve those financial problems.
4. Moving to the fourth learning that I want to share with you is "Attitude is greater than experience, and experience is greater than education" and this basically means
If we take these three things into consideration, I think what maximum people do is, they emphasize more on education.
after that experience, How much experience does he have? How much work has he done & how has he done it?
And less emphasis is given to his attitude. But Ankur sir's learning is the most important for any profession, or according to me in someone's personal life too.
His attitude matters the most. What is his attitude towards life & his work?
After attitude his experience matter. How many years of experience does he have? What quality of experience does he have?
How many different experiences does he have? That matters the most. And the thing which matters less compared to these two is what is your educational qualification?
Now, this doesn't mean that Educational qualification doesn't matter.
I will drop college. He is not saying that. Education is definitely very important. But with time experience will matter more than education.
And the thing that matters the most is your attitude. Towards your life and also towards your work & profession.
5. And the fifth learning is very important learning. I think everyone knows, But very few people understand it. and I will read this learning from the book.
"The pro is the amateur, who simply showed up every day."
And this basically means no one is born a pro. If I tell you in a desi way, No one is born great. Every person is amateur or naive at the start.
So if you see someone and think oh he is a pro, he knows everything. I don't know anything. Remember that the Pro person a few days back was the same as you.
He also did not know anything but if thought like you and stayed like that, I don't know anything. Other people know many things.
Then would have never become a pro. So definitely you must know anything today, But if you keep on trying, and work hard consistently.
Then one day you will also become a pro.
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